WANtaroHP (FEM: 2D Tunnel Excavation Analysis)

Outline of a program 'f90_fem_ini4.f90'

  • This is a program for 2D-tunnel excavation analysis. Elastic and small displacement problems can be treated.
  • 4 node isoparametric element with 4 Gauss points is used as a 4 node element. 1 node has 2 degrees of freedom in horizontal direction and vertical direction.
  • This program can do plane stress analysis or plane strain analysis.
  • In coordinate system, x-direction is defined as right-direction, y-direction is defined as upward direction and counterclockwise direction is defined as positive in rotation.
  • Simultaneous linear equations are solved using Cholesky method for banded matrix.
  • Input file name can be defined arbitrarily with the format of 'csv' and Output file format is blank selected value.
  • Used language for program is 'Fortran 90' and used compiler is 'GNU gfortran.'
Workable condition
ElementQuadrilateral element
LoadEquivalent excavation loads will be calculated automatically
DisplacementSpecify the nodes and displacements at the nodes. Any values can be applied including zero
Initial stressInitial stress in the ground shall be specified for calculation

Steps for calculation
(1) Input model caracteristics
(2) Set initial stresses
(3) Calculate equivalent excavation force
(4) Calculate displacements and stresses by loading equivalent excavation forcr
Commands for calculation
gfortran -o f90_fem_ini4 f90_fem_ini4.f90
./f90_fem_ini4  gamma  sig0  r  fnameR.csv  fnameW.prn
f90_fem_ini4Program for execution
gammaUnit weight of ground material
sig0Initial vertical stress at y=0 on the model
rLateral pressure ratio (lateral stress / vertical stress)
fnameR.csvInput file (csv format)
fnameW.prnOutput file (prn format: space separated values)

Format of input data file ('csv' format)

Comment                               # Comments
NODT,NELT,MATEL,KOX,KOY,NF,NSTRES,IPR # Basic values for analysis
t,Em,po,c,phi,sigt                    # material properties
    ....(1 to MATEL)....              #
node-1,node-2,node-3,node-4,matno     # Element connectivity, material set number
    ....(1 to NELT)....               #
x,y                                   # Node coordinates
    ....(1 to NODT)....               #
nokx,rdisx                            # Restricted node number and displacement in x-direction
    ....(1 to KOX)....                # (Omit data input if KOX=0)
noky,rdisy                            # Restricted node number and displacement in y-direction
    ....(1 to KOY)....                # (Omit data input if KOY=0)
nonf                                  # loaded node number
    ....(1 to NF)....                 # (Omit data input if NF=0)
nod : Number of nodes of each element (3 or 4)      t : Thickness of element
NODT : Number of nodes      Em : Elastic modulus of element
NELT : Number of elements      po : Poisson's ratio of element
MATEL : Number of material set      c : Pure shearing strength of element
KOX : Number of restricted nodes in x-direction      phi : Internal friction angle of element
KOY : Number of restricted nodes in y-direction      sigt : Tensile strength of element
NF : Number of loaded nodes      matno : Material set number
NSTRES : 0: plane strain, 1: plane stress
IPR : Output format of stresses (0 or 1)
(0: All Gauss points, 1: average)
  • Restricted node means the node which has known (given) displacement. As a known (given) value of nodal displacement, any value can be given including zero for a restricted node.

Format of output file ('prn' format)

(Each value for above item)
*node characteristics
node  x  y  fx  fy  fix-x  fix-y  rdis-x  rdis-y
    node   : Number of nodes
    x,y    : Coordinates of x & y-direction
    fx,fy  : Loads of x & y-direction
    fix-x  : x-direction restricted condition (1: restricted, 0: not restricted)
    fix-y  : y-direction restricted condition (1: restricted, 0: not restricted)
    rdis-x : x-direction specified displacement
    rdis-y : y-direction specified displacement
  .....(1 to NODT).....
*element characteristics
element  node-1  node-2  node-3  node-4  E  po  t  chs  phi  sigt  matno
    element : Element number
    node-1,node-2,node-3,node-4 : Element-nodes relationship
    E       : Elastic modulus of element
    po      : Poisson's ratio of element
    t       : Thickness of element
    chs     : Pure shearing strength of element
    phi     : Internal friction angle of element
    sigt    : Tensile stress of element
    matno   : material set number
  .....(1 to NELT).....
*displacements and forces
node  coord-x  coord-y  dis-x  dis-y  reac-x  reac-y  ftvec-x  ftvec-y
    node            : Node number
    coord-x,coord,y : x & y-coordinates
    dist-x,dist-y   : x & y-direction displacements
    reac-x,reac-y   : These values shall be zero.
    ftvec-x,ftvec-y : x & y-direction loaded forces
  .....(1 to NODT).....
element  kk  coord-x  coord-y  sig-x  sig-y  tau-xy  ps1  ps2  ang  SF  matno
    element            : Element number
    kk                 : Gauss point number (IPR=0: 1 to 4, IPR=1: Average stress of element)
    coord-x,coord-y    : Coordinates of calculation point of stresses
    sig-x,sig-y,tau-xy : Normal stresses in x & y-direction, shearing stress
    ps1,ps2,ang        : 1st & 2nd principal stresses, principal direction (degree)
    SF                 : Point safety factor
    matno              : Material set number
  .....(1 to NELT, depending on the value of IPR).....
#,NELT=(Number of elements) NODT=(Number of nodes) nt=(nt) mm=(mm) ib=(ib)
#,ps1_range, (ps1_min), (ps1_max)
#,ps2_range, (ps2_min), (ps2_max)
#,sf_range,  (sf_min) , (sf_max)
#,dis_max,  (dis_max)
    nt : Total degrees of freedom of FE equation
    mm : Dimension of reduced FE equation
    ib : band width of reduced FE equation

Sample drawings

Mesh by GMT

png png

Contours by GMT (unit of stresses: tf/m$^2$)

png png png

Arrow diagrams by GMT

png png

Contours by Python3

png png png

Arrow diagrams by Python3

png png

Programs and sample data

Fortran programs

f90_fem_ini4.f90Tunnel Excavation Analysis
f90_gmt_ini4_con.f90Drawing using GMT (principal stress and safety factor contour)
f90_gmt_ini4_vec.f90Drawing using GMT (stress vector arrow diagram)
py_fem_ini4_cont.pyDrawing using Python3 (principal stress and safety factor contours)
py_fem_ini4_vect.pyDrawing using Python3 (stress vector arrow diagram)
Usage of Fortran drawing programs

./f90_gmt_ini4_con fnameW.prn
./f90_gmt_ini4_vec fnameW.prn

where, fnameW.prn is output data file by f90_fem_ini4.

F90 programOutput drawing (fixed name)Description
f90_gmt_ini4_con.f90_fig_gmt_mesh.epsMesh drawing
_fig_gmt_ps1.epsFirst principal stress contour
_fig_gmt_ps2.epsSecond principal stress contour
_fig_gmt_sf.epsSafety factor contour
f90_gmt_ini4_vec.f90_fig_gmt_vec1.epsFirst principal stress arrow diagram
_fig_gmt_vec2.epsSecond principal stress arrow diagram
_fig_gmt_disp.epsDisplacement mode

Usage of Python3 drawing programs

python3 py_fem_ini4_cont.py fnameW.prn
python3 py_fem_ini4_vect.py fnameW.prn

where, fnameW.prn is output data file by f90_fem_ini4.

Python3 programOutput drawing (fixed name)Description
py_fem_ini4_cont.pyfig_ini4_cont1.pngFirst principal stress contour
fig_ini4_cont2.pngSecond principal stress contour
fig_ini4_cont3.pngSafety factor contour
py_fem_ini4_vect.pyfig_ini4_vect1.pngFirst principal stress arrow diagram
fig_ini4_vect2.pngSecond principal stress arrow diagram

Shell scripts for execution

a_gmt_con.txtPrincipal stress and safety factor contour
a_gmt_vec.txtStress vector arrow diagram by GMT

Input data sample


inserted by FC2 system