WANtaroHP (FEM: 2D Seepage Flow Analysis)

Outline of a program 'f90_fem_seep.f90'

  • This is a program for 2D Steady Seepage Flow Analysis. This program can not treat unsteady problem.
  • This program can do the saturated-unsaturated seepage flow analysis in the vertical section, and saturated seepage flow analysis in the horizontal and vertical section.
  • Von Genuchten model is used as a unsaturated ground model.
  • In this program, 3 node element or 4 node element can be used. Mixed model of 3 node elements and 4 node elements can not be solved. User of this program needs to choose either 3 node model or 4 node model.
  • Linear triangular element is used as a 3 node element. 1 node has 2 degrees of freedom in horizontal direction and vertical direction.
  • 4 node isoparametric element with 4 Gauss points is used as a 4 node element. 1 node has 2 degrees of freedom in horizontal direction and vertical direction.
  • Thickness of the element is unit thickness and it is not changeable.
  • As boundary conditions, impervious boundary, given total head boundary, given discharge boundary and saturation point boundary can be considered.
  • In coordinate system, x-direction is defined as right direction and z-direction is defined as upward direction.
  • Only an isotropic material can be treated.
  • Nodal head must be inputted as total head and solution of simultaneous equations is described as total head.
  • Pressure head is calculated as the difference between total head and position head.
  • Simultaneous linear equations are solved using Cholesky method for banded matrix.
  • Convergence criterion is that the case change of pressure head becomes less than 1$\times$10$^{-6}$. Upper limit of iteration is set to 100 times.
  • Input/Output file name can be defined arbitrarily with the format of 'csv' and those are inputted from command line of a terminal.
  • Used language for program is 'Fortran 90' and used compiler is 'GNU gfortran.'
Workable condition
ElementTriangle & Quadrilateral element
Impervious boundaryNo-input means impervious boundary
Total head given boundarySpecify the nodes and total head of the nodes
Discharge given boundarySpecify the nodes and discharge. Positive value of discharge means in-flow, and negative value of discharge means out-flow from a element.
Satulation point boundarySpecify the nodes which have the possibility of becoming saturation point. Pressure head at these points are zero or negative value and signs of discharge are negative (out-flow)
Section for analysisChoose either vertical or horizontal section. Pressure head in vertical section is given as the difference between total head and position head, and pressure head in horizontal section is the same as total head in it.

Format of input file ('csv' format)

Comment                              # Comment
nod,NODT,NELT,MATEL,KOH,KOQ,KOU,idan # basic values for analysis
Ak0,alpha,em                         # Material properties
    ....(1 to MATEL)....             #
node-1,node-2,node-3(,node-4),matno  # Element-nodes relationship, material set number
    ....(1 to MATEL)....             #  (counterclockwise order of node numbers)
x,z,hvec                             # Node coordinate, initial value of total head
    ....(1 to NODT)....              # (x: right-direction, z: upward-direction)
nokh,Hinp                            # Node number of given total head boundary, total head of node
    ....(1 to KOH)....               # (Omit data input if KOH=0)
nokq,Qinp                            # Node number of given discharge boundary, discharge of node
    ....(1 to KOQ)....               # (Omit data input if KOQ=0)
noku                                 # Node number of saturation point
    ....(1 to KOU)....               # (Omit data input if KOU=0)
nod : Number of nodes of each element (3 or 4)      nokh : Node number with given total head
NODT : Number of nodes      nokq : Node number with given discharge
NELT : Number of elements      noqu : Node number with saturation point
MATEL : Number of material sets      Hinp : Total head at specified node
KOH : Number of nodes with given total head      Qinp : Discharge at specified node
KOQ : Number of nodes with given discharge      (positive: in-flow, negative: out-flow)
KOU : Number of nodes with saturation point      Ak0 : Permeability coefficient of element (saturated)
idan : Section (0: Vertical, 1: horizontal)      alpha : Unsaturated property ($\alpha$) of element
matno : Material set number      em : Unsaturated property ($m$) of element
  • Unsaturated properties are $\alpha$ and $m$ on van Genuchten model.
    \begin{align*} &S_e=\left\{\frac{1}{1+\left(\alpha\cdot h_s\right)^n}\right\}^m \qquad\qquad n=\frac{1}{1-m} \quad & (0 < m < 1) \\ &K_r=(S_e)^{0.5}\cdot\left\{1-\left(1-S_e{}^{1/m}\right)^m\right\}^2 & (0 \leqq S_r, K_r \leqq 1) \\ &K=K_r \cdot K_0 \end{align*}
    $K$ : Permeability coefficient      $S_e$ : Degree of saturation
    $K_0$ : Saturated permeability coefficient      $h_s$ : Suction head
    $K_r$ : Relative hydraulic conductivity function      $\alpha$ : Scaling parameter
         $m$ : Non-dimensional parameter

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    Relationship between Degree of saturation and Sunction head

    Relationship between Degree of saturation and Relative hydraulic conductivityg

  • Regarding the values of $\alpha$ and $m$, Webmaster usually use $\alpha=0.1$ and $m=0.7$.
  • Condition of node at which noting is inputted is no discharge. (in-flow discharge + out-flow discharge = 0) If input of in-flow or out-flow discharge is wanted especially, the values of KOQ, nokq and Qinp should be inputted.
  • The discharge is known if total head is unknown at a node, and total head is known if discharge is unknown at a node. This condition is maintained except the node with saturation point.
  • Nodes which have the possibility becoming saturation point such as downstream slope of embankment dam shall be specified as saturation point boundary with input of KOU and noku.
  • It is necessary to input initial total heads for all nodes for iterative process of saturates-unsaturated analysis. It is better to input minimum total head in the domain. If proper initial total heads are not inputted, unsuitable results may be obtained.

Format of output file ('csv' format)

(Each value of above items)
*node characteristics
    node : Node number
    x,z  : (x,z) Coordinate of node
    KOH  : Node with given total head (1: yes, 0: no)
    KOQ  : Node with given discharge (1: yes, 0: no)
    KOU  : Node with saturation point (1: yes, 0: no)
    Hinp : Given total head (if KOH=0, value=0)
    Qinp : Given discharge (if KOQ=0, value=0)
  .....(1 to NODT).....
*element characteristics
    element : Element number
    node-1,node-2,node-3(,node-4) : Element-nodes relationship
    Ak0     : Permeability coefficient of element (saturated)
    alpha   : Unsaturated property $\alpha$
    em      : Unsaturated property $m$
    matno   : material set number
  .....(1 to NELT).....
*node value
    node : Node number
    x    : x-coordinate of node
    z    : z-coordinate of node
    hvec : Total head of node
    qvec : Discharge of node
    pvec : Pressure head of node (total head $-$ position head)
  .....(1 to NODT).....
*element value
    element : Element number
    xg      : x-coordinate of COG of element
    zg      : z-coordinate of COG of element
    vx      : x-direction mean velocity in global coordinate system
    vz      : z-direction mean velocity in global coordinate system
    vm      : Combined mean velocity in global coordinate system
    Ak0     : Permeability coefficient (saturated)
    Akr     : Relative hydraulic conductivity function of element
    matno   : Material set number
  .....(1 to NELT).....
#,discharge,sum total of in-flow,sum total of out-flow
#,vmmax,element number,max.velocity in all elements,x-coordinate of COG,,z-coordinate of COG
#,vimax,element number,max.velocity in in-flow elements,x-coordinate of COG,,z-coordinate of COG
#,vomax,element number,max.velocity in out-flow elements,x-coordinate of COG,,z-coordinate of COG
#,NELT=(Number of elements), NODT=(Number of nodes), nt=(nt), mm=(mm), ib=(ib)
#,nnn=(Number of iteration), icount=(Number of converged degrees of freedom)
#,Calculation time=(Calculation time)
#,Date_time=(date of execution)
    nt : Total degrees of freedom of FE equation
    mm : Dimension of reduced FE equation
    ib : band width of reduced FE equation

Pressure head analysis around the tunnel

  • This section shows the example of analysis for tunnel under ground water.
  • Domain for analysis is a square area with 200m-side.
  • Tunnel is D-shape tunnel with 5m-width and 5m-height.
  • Permeability of the ground rock is 1×10−7m/s and overburden of tunnel is 300m.
  • Therefore, total head of 300m is acted at perimeters of analysis domain.

Cases for analysis are shown below.

Case-0 No-lined tunnel. (no-lined) Wall of tunnel is ground rock. Pressure head at tunnel wall is zero.
Case-1 Tunnel with 20cm thickness concrete lining. (lined) Permeability of lining concrete is 1×10$^{−12}$m/s.
(no-drainage) Pressure head at inner surface of concrete lining is zero.
Case-2 Tunnel with 20cm thickness concrete lining. (lined) Permeability of lining concrete is 1×10$^{−12}$m/s.
(one drain hole) One drain hole is installed at the top of tunnel concrete lining. Pressure head at drain hole and inner surface of concrete lining is zero.
Case-3 Tunnel with 20cm thickness concrete lining. (lined) Permeability of lining concrete is 1×10$^{−8}$m/s.
(one drain hole) One drain hole is installed at the top of tunnel lining concrete. Pressure head at drain hole and inner surface of concrete lining is zero.
Case-4 Tunnel with 20cm thickness concrete lining. (lined) Permeability of lining concrete is 1×10$^{−7}$m/s.
(one drain hole) One drain hole is installed at the top of tunnel concrete lining. Pressure head at drain hole and inner surface of concrete lining is zero.


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Zoned embankment dam

In this section, examples of analysis for zoned embankment dam are shown. In addition, it is a wellknown fact for zoned embank dam that the free water surface serves as an action which has a permeating point on the core back and does not become such form shown in this analysis.

<>pThe Conditions of analysis are shown in below table.

Top width
Water Depth (m)
Water Depth (m)

Material properties
k (m/s)
Upstream shell 1×10$^{0}$ 0.10.7
Upstream filter 1×10$^{-4}$0.10.7
center core 1×10$^{-5}$0.10.7
Downstream filter1×10$^{-4}$0.10.7
Downstream shell 1×10$^{0}$ 0.10.7

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Mesh diagram
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Pressure Head Distribution
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Flow Velocity Vector
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Pressure Head and Discharge

Homogeneous embankment dam

The seepage flow discharge by seepage flow FEM was compared with it by Casagrande's method.

Casagrande's method

Casagrande's model

$T$ : Dam height
$t$ : Width of dam top
$\alpha$ : Gradient of upstream slope (1 : $\alpha$)
$\beta$ : Gradient of downstream slope (1 : $\beta$)
$h$ : Water depth of upstream
$k$ : Permeability coefficient of dam body
First approximation
\begin{align*} &d=T (\alpha+\beta)+t-0.7\cdot\alpha\cdot h \\ &a=\sqrt{d^2+h^2}-\sqrt{d^2-h^2\cdot\beta^2} \\ &q=k\cdot\frac{a}{1+\beta^2} \end{align*}
Second approximation
\begin{align*} &d=T (\alpha+\beta)+t-0.7\cdot\alpha\cdot h \\ &y_0=\sqrt{d^2+h^2}-d \\ &x_c=\frac{\beta^2 h^2+\sqrt{\beta^2 h^2\{\beta^2 h^2+2(d+y_0/2)y_0\}}}{2(d+y_0/2)} \\ &y_c=\frac{x_c}{\beta} \\ &S=\sqrt{(d-x_c)^2+(h-y_c)^2}+\sqrt{x_c{}^2+y_c{}^2} \\ &a=S-\sqrt{S^2-h^2(1+\beta^2)} \\ &q=k\cdot\frac{a}{1+\beta^2} \end{align*}

Since first approximation gives the result of safety side based on trial calculation, first approximation was used on the calculations in this document.

Result of seepage flow FEM

Conditions for analysis

Conditions for analysis and outline of results are shown below.

Dam shapeWater levelMaterial properties
Top width
SlopeBottom width
U / D (m)Permeability
$k$ (m/s)
20.02.01:0.1 6.018.0 / 0.01$\times$10$^{-5}$0.10.7
20.02.01:0.5 22.018.0 / 0.01$\times$10$^{-5}$0.10.7
20.02.01:1.0 42.018.0 / 0.01$\times$10$^{-5}$0.10.7
20.02.01:1.5 62.018.0 / 0.01$\times$10$^{-5}$0.10.7
20.02.01:2.0 82.018.0 / 0.01$\times$10$^{-5}$0.10.7
20.02.01:2.5102.018.0 / 0.01$\times$10$^{-5}$0.10.7
20.02.01:3.0122.018.0 / 0.01$\times$10$^{-5}$0.10.7

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Sample of Model of Homogeneous embankment dam

Result of FEA

3 node element
Bottom width
Seepage point
from USE (m)
Seepage point
from DSE (m)
Distance $a$
1:0.184.3 6.0 4.3 1.717.10.3542$\times$10$^{-3}$
1:0.563.4 22.015.0$\times$10$^{-3}$
1:2.026.6 82.060.521.524.00.4256$\times$10$^{-4}$
4 node element
Bottom width
Seepage point
from USE (m)
Seepage point
from DSE (m)
Distance $a$
1:0.184.3 6.0 4.3 1.717.10.3533$\times$10$^{-3}$
1:0.563.4 22.015.2 6.815.20.1169$\times$10$^{-3}$
1:1.045.0 42.030.511.516.30.6957$\times$10$^{-4}$

Result of comparison

Following matters are cleared from figures.

  • The seepage flow discharge $Q$ by FEM is greater than it by Casagrande's method for each case.
  • If the slope becomes steep, the difference of discharge between FEM and Casagrande's method becomes large.
  • The distance $a$ from downstream edge of dam to seepage point by FEM is greater than it of Casagrande's method for each.
  • If the slope becomes gentle, the difference of distance 'a' between FEM and Casagrande's method becomes large.
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Discharge $Q$-Slope relationship
on Homogeneous embankment dam
Distance $a$-Slope relationship
on Homogeneous embankment dam

Programs and sample data

Fortran programs

f90_fem_seep.f90Seepage Analysis
f90_num_seep.f90Node number optimization
f90_gmt_seep.f90GMT drawing
f90_pq.f90gnuplot drawing of Dam Pressure Head and Node Discharge

Shell scripts

a_fem_dam.txtShell script for execution of Dam seepage analysis
a_draw_dam.txtShell script for drawing of Dam seepage analysis (GMT)
a_dam_pq.txtShell script for drawing of Dam pressure head and node discharge (gnuplot)
a_fem_tunnel.txtShell script for execution of Tunnel seepage analysis
a_draw_tunnel.txtShell script for drawing of Tunnel seepage analysis

Input data sample for dam analysis

inp_fem_zone3.csvZoned dam model with 3 nodes elements (original)
inp_fem_zone4.csvZoned dam model with 4 nodes elements (original)
inp_fem_zone3m.csvZoned dam model with 3 nodes elements (optimized)
inp_fem_zone4m.csvZoned dam model with 4 nodes elements (optimized)
inp_test0_3.csvHomogeneous dam model with 4 nodes elements

Input data sample for tunnel analysis

inp_tunnel_00.csvTunnel model Case-0 (original)
inp_tunnel_11.csvTunnel model Case-1 (original)
inp_tunnel_22.csvTunnel model Case-2 (original)
inp_tunnel_33.csvTunnel model Case-3 (original)
inp_tunnel_44.csvTunnel model Case-4 (original)
inp_tunnel_0m.csvTunnel model Case-0 (optimized)
inp_tunnel_1m.csvTunnel model Case-1 (optimized)
inp_tunnel_2m.csvTunnel model Case-2 (optimized)
inp_tunnel_3m.csvTunnel model Case-3 (optimized)
inp_tunnel_4m.csvTunnel model Case-4 (optimized)

Expression of result of seepage flow analysis (f90_gmt_seep.f90)


This program can show the FEM mesh, pressure head contour map, total head contour map and flow velocity vector map by using GMT.

Some explanations are shown below.

  • FEM mesh is drawn by specifying the coordinates of each element and repeating painting out of each element and drawing of each element boundary line.
  • The contour map is created in the following procedures.
    • Creation of the mask file which defines the element existence domain by 'grdmask' command.
    • Creation of the grid file for contours by 'surface' command.
    • Creation of the grid file for plot by composition of the mask file and the grid file by 'grdmath' command.
    • Coloring by 'grdimage' command and contour drawing by 'grdcontour' command.
  • The vector diagram is created by superimposing the arrow of the flow velocity vector on the colored map of the pressure head or total head generated by contour creation.
  • In addition, since a figure will become ugly if the flow velocity vector is drawn on all elements, in this example, the flow velocity vector is drawn once per three elements.

Following files must be prepared before execution of the program.

_col_mesh.txtInput file for defining mesh colorFilename is fixed
_inp_base.txtInput file for drawing informationFilename is fixed
0_cpt.cptInput cpt file for reading by GMTFilename is fixed
fnameW.csvOutput file by FEM analysisFilename is changeable

Output file by FEM analysis is a output by the program 'f90_fem_seep' made by webmaster.

Description of Shell script

Shell script (a_draw_dam.txt) which carries out the process is shown below. Some files which are read from Fortran program are made in this batch file.

001   gfortran -o f90_gmt_seep f90_gmt_seep.f90
003   cp 0_cpt_dam.cpt 0_cpt.cpt
005   # define of mesh colour (1:MATEL)
006   cat << EOT > _col_mesh.txt
007   255 255 204
008     0 255 255
009   255   0 255
010     0 255 255
011   255 255 204
012   EOT
013   # integer::ind,ibc,iph,ivc,isc
014   # real(4)::baselength,grdspc
015   # real(4)::bav,bfv
016   # real(4)::conint,annint
017   # character::strx*100,strz*100
018   cat << EOT > _inp_base.txt
019   0 1 1 1 1
020   12.0 0.1
021   10.0 5.0
022    1.0 5.0
023   "Distance (m)"
024   "Altitude (m)"
025   EOT
027   ./f90_gmt_seep out_fem_zone3m.csv
028   mv -f _fig_gmt_mesh.eps fig_gmt_3mesh_dam.eps
029   mv -f _fig_gmt_conp.eps fig_gmt_3conp_dam.eps
030   mv -f _fig_gmt_vect.eps fig_gmt_3vect_dam.eps
032   ./f90_gmt_seep out_fem_zone4m.csv
033   mv -f _fig_gmt_mesh.eps fig_gmt_4mesh_dam.eps
034   mv -f _fig_gmt_conp.eps fig_gmt_4conp_dam.eps
035   mv -f _fig_gmt_vect.eps fig_gmt_4vect_dam.eps
037   ./f90_gmt_seep out_test0_3.csv
038   mv -f _fig_gmt_mesh.eps fig_gmt_mesh_earth.eps
039   mv -f _fig_gmt_conp.eps fig_gmt_conp_earth.eps
040   mv -f _fig_gmt_vect.eps fig_gmt_vect_earth.eps
042   rm _*

To compile the program 'f90_GMTseep.f90'


To copy '0_cpt_dam.cpt' which has been prepared beforehand to '0_cpt.cpt.' The contents of file '0_cpt_dam.cpt' is shown below.

-18 255 255 190  0 255 255 125
  0   0 255 255 18   0 125 255
B   255 255 190
F     0 125 255
N   255 255 255  N 255 255 255

To make the file '_col_mesh.txt.' Mesh colors are defined by this file, 3 figures means 'R G B' in this file. In this example, new file is made using 'cat' hear documents in this script, and since 5 materials are used (parameter MATEL=5), 5 kinds of color is defined.


To make the file '_inp_base.txt.' This file defines the parameter for GMT.

indDraw node number and element number in FEM mesh. (0: no, 1: yes)
ibcDraw boundary conditions in FEM mesh. (0: no, 1: yes)
iphSuperimpose total head line on pressure head contour, or reverse. (0: no, 1: yes)
ivcSpecify the kind of contour map superimposed on velocity vector map (1: pressure head contour, 2: total head contour)
iscDraw scale map for contour (0: no, 1: yes)
baselengthSize of drawing in unit of 'cm'
grdspcMesh interval for 'grd' file
bavValue of 'a' in '-B' option for x and y-axis on GMT
bfvValue of 'f' in '-B' option for x and y-axis on GMT
conintValue of interval of contour in '-C' option of 'grdcontour' command
annintvalue of interval of tickmark in '-A' option of 'grdcontour' command
strxLabel for x(horizontal)-axis. Double prime (") is required because of character
strzLabel for z(vertical)-axis. Double prime (") is required because of character

To execute the program 'f90_gmt_seep.' Functions of this program are to make GMT command files, to execute them and to make eps drawings.

Input file 'out_fem_zone4m.csv' which storages the result of FEM analysis is read from command line.

Output drawings are shown below.

_fig_gmt_mesh.epsFEM mesh drawing in eps formatOutput filename is fixed
_fig_gmt_conp.epsPressure head contour map in eps formatOutput filename is fixed
_fig_gmt_conh.epsTotal head contour map in eps formatOutput filename is fixed
_fig_gmt_vect.epsVelocity vector map in eps format. Output filename is fixed

Symbols for boundary conditions in FEM mesh drawing
Boundary of given total head
Boundary of given discharge
Boundary of seepage surface

Since output filename is fixed, it is necessary to change the output filename into another name by a 'cp' command etc after output.


To delete work files

inserted by FC2 system