WANtaroHP (FEM: 2D Heat Conduction Analysis)

Outline of a program 'f90_fem_heat.f90'

  • This is a program for 2D Unsteady Heat Conduction Analysis. This program can not treat steady problem.
  • Thickness of the element is unit thickness and it is not changeable.
  • As boundary conditions, thermal insulation boundary, temperature given boundary and heat transfer boundary can be considered.
  • Heating material can also be used such as cement concrete.
  • 4 node isoparametric element with 4 Gauss points is used. 1 node has 1 degree of freedom of temperature.
  • In coordinate system, x-direction is defined as right-direction and y-direction is defined as upward direction.
  • Property of heat conduction is isotropic in x and y-directions.
  • Simultaneous linear equations are solved using Cholesky method for banded matrix. Although this solving process has repeating process for time history analysis, matrix for calculation is not changed if the time increment is not changed. Therefore, to create the triangular matrix is carried out only one time, and forward elimination and backward substitution process are repeated during the defined time span.
  • Crank-Nicolson method is used for the discretization of the time.
  • Input/Output file name can be defined arbitrarily with the format of 'csv' and those are inputted from command line of MS-Windows. In addition, it is necessary to prepare the input file for time history of node temperatures of given temperature boundary and side temperatures of heat transfer boundary.
  • Used language for program is 'Fortran 90' and used compiler is 'GNU gfortran.'
Workable condition
ElementQuadrilateral element
Thermal insulation boundaryNo input means thermal insulation boundary
Temperature given boundarySpecify the nodes and time history of temperature at specified nodes
Heat transfer boundarySpecify the sides of element, heat transfer coefficient and time history of temperature at outside
Heating materialHeating material can be used like a cement concrete

Format of input data file ('csv' format)

2 files shown below are required for this analysis.

(1)Basic data file for input (specified in the batch file)
(2)Temperature time history data (specified at second row in the basic data file)

Basic data

Comments                                    # Comment
ftinp (temperature time history data file)  # Save in the same directory as basic data file
NODT,NELT,MATEL,KOT,KOC,delta               # Basic values for analysis
Ak,Ac,Arho,Tk,Al                            # Material properties
     ....(1 to MATEL)....                   #
node-1,node-2,node-3,node-4,matno           # Element connectivity, Material set number
     ....(1 to NELT)....                    # (counterclockwise order of node numbers)
x,y,T$_0$                                   # Coordinates of node, initial temperature of node
     ....(1 to NODT)....                    # (x: right-direction, y: upward direction)
nokt                                        # Node number of temperature given boundary
     ....(1 to KOT)....                     # (Omit data input if KOT=0)
nekc_1,nekc_2,alphac                        # Element number, node number defined side, heat transfer rate
     ....(1 to KOC)....                     # (Omit data input if KOC=0)
nout                                        # Number of nodes for output of temperature time history
noout_1   ....(1 line input)....            # Node number for above
ntout                                       # frequency of output of temperatures of all nodes
nntout_1  ....(1 line input)....            # Time step number for above
                                            # (Omit data input if ntout=0)
NODT : Number of nodes      Ak : heat conductivity coefficient of element
NELT : Number of elements      Ac : Specific heat of element
MATEL : Number of material sets      Arho : Unit weight of element
KOT : Number of temperature given nodes      Tk : maximum temperature rise of element
KOC : Number of heat transfer sides      Al : coefficient of heat release rate of element
delta : Time increment      alphac : heat transfer rate of side of element
matno : Material set number

Explanation for heating material

Properties of heating materials are inputted as element material characteristics. In this program, heat generation of cement concrete is imitated and the adiabatic temperature rise shown below formula can be considered.

\begin{equation} T=K\cdot(1-e^{-\alpha\cdot t}) \end{equation}

where, $T$: adiabatic temperature rise, $K$: maximum temperature rise, $\alpha$: coefficient of heat release rate, $t$: time.

In this program, $K$ (Tk) and $\alpha$ (Al) become input data and heat generation rate per unit area is calculated in calculation process.

Explanation for heat transfer boundary

Following items are inputted for defining the heat transfer boundary.

(1)Element number with heat transfer boundary
(2)Node number which defines the side of the element
(3)Heat transfer rate of the side of the element

Although a side of element is consisted of 2 nodes, first node number must be inputted as the node number which define the side in the element. Because node number is defined in counterclockwise order in FEM, if first node number can be known, the side can be identified.

Explanation for output of temperature time history at specified nodes

  • Number of nodes for output of time history is specified as variable 'nout.'
  • Node numbers for output of time history are specified as array variable 'nout().'
  • 'nout' must be greater than or equal to 1, and array 'nout()' must be defined with specified number by 'nout.'

Explanation for output of temperatures of all nodes at specified time

  • Frequency for output of temperatures of all nodes is specified as variable 'ntout.'
  • Time step numbers for output of temperature of all nodes are specified as array variable 'nntout().'
  • In the case of 'ntout=0,' data input of array variable 'nntout' can be omitted.

Temperature time history data

Comment                                           # Comment
   1 , TE(1), ..., TE(KOT), TC(1), ..., TC(KOC)   # data of 1st time step
   2 , TE(1), ..., TE(KOT), TC(1), ..., TC(KOC)   # data of 2nd time step
   3 , TE(1), ..., TE(KOT), TC(1), ..., TC(KOC)   #
    ....(repeating until end time).....           # data is read step by step
itime, TE(1), ..., TE(KOT), TC(1), ..., TC(KOC)   #
TE(): temperature of node for temperature given boundary
TC(): outer temperature of side of element for heat transfer boundary
  • Values from 1st step to final step should be written in data file.
  • Number of step (variable name 'itime') is defined by reading the final row of this file.
  • Initial temperatures are the values written in basic data file.
  • It is required to prepare this file even if temperatures are not required such as the case of adiabatic temperature raise. In that case, only step number is required in this file. This is a measure to know step number of calculation.

Format of out put file ('csv' format)

     NODT: Number of nodes, NELT: Number of elements, MATEL: Number of material set
     KOT: Number of temperature given nodes, KOC: Number of heat transfer sides
     delta: time increment
     nout : Number of nodes for output of temperature time history
     ntout: frequency of output for temperatures of all nodes
     itmax: Number of steps of time history

*node characteristics
     node : Node number
     x,y  : Coordinates of node
     Tini : initial temperature of node
     fix  : Temperature given boundary (1: yes, 0: no)
.....(1 to NODT).....

*element characteristics
     element          : Element number
     node-1,node-2,node-3,node-4 : Element-nodes relationship
     alpc1$\sim$alpc4 : heat transfer rate of sides
     Ak               : Heat conductivity coefficient of element
     Ac               : Specific heat of element
     Arho             : Unit weight of element
     Tk               : Maximum temperature raise of element
     Al               : coefficient of heat release rate of element
     matno            : material set number
.....(1 to NELT).....

*Temperature records of selected nodes
it,time,node-xx,node-xx,...(1 to nout)...
     step,time, temperature of node
.....(0 to itmax).....
(if ntout is greater than or equal to 1)

*Temperature of all nodes for selected times
     Node number, temperature of node
     'initial' means initial temperature of each node
.....(1 to NODT).....

*Temperature distributions of selected nodes
Node,x,y,initial,step-xx,step-xx,...(1 to ntout)...
     Node number, x-coordinate, y-coordinate, temperature of node
     'initial' means initial temperature of each node
.....(1 to nout).....

(common items)
NODT=xxx nt=xx mm=xx ib=xx
Calculation time=   x.xxx(sec)

Model analysis with 16 elements

Characteristics of model
Heat conductivity coefficient 2.5 kcal/m$\cdot$h$\cdot$$^\circ$C
Specific heat 0.28 kcal/kg$\cdot$$^\circ$C
Unit weight 2350 kg/m$^3$
Heat transfer rate 10 kcal/m$^2$$\cdot$h$\cdot$$^\circ$C
Adiabatic temperature raise
(heating material)
$T=K\cdot(1-e^{-\alpha\cdot t})$
$K$=40$^\circ$C, $\alpha$=0.2, $t$:hour
Model 1m Square area
25 nodes, 16 elements
Fig.1 Mesh

Adiabatic temperature raise model

Model has 4 side thermal insulation boundary. Initial temperature of domain is 20$^\circ$C and heat generation of elements are considered. 'delta' in the figure means time increment.

Fig.2 Adiabatic temperature raise model (initial temperature: 20$^\circ$C)

Given temperature boundary model

Time history analysis of temperature was carried out under following conditions.

Conditions for Analysis
Initial temperature of domain 20$^\circ$C (for all area)
Temperature of top side 40$^\circ$C (temperature change happens momentarily)
Temperature of bottom side 0$^\circ$C (temperature change happens momentarily)
Left side and right side of domain thermal insulation condition
heat generation of element not considered
'delta' in the figure means time increment.
Fig.3 Time history of temperature on given temperature boundary model
(Initial temperature: 10$^\circ$C, Top side: 40$^\circ$C, Bottom side: 0$^\circ$C)

Heat transfer boundary model

Time history analysis of temperature was carried out under following conditions.

Conditions for Analysis
Initial temperature of domain 20$^\circ$C (for all area)
Outside Temperature of domain 10$^\circ$C
Boundary condition 4 sides have heat transfer boundary for each
heat generation of element considered
'delta' in the figure means time increment.
Fig.4 Time history of temperature of the model with 4 heat transfer sides
(Initial temperature: 20$^\circ$C, Outside temperature: 10$^\circ$C)

Model analysis with 400 elements

Characteristics of model
Heat conductivity coefficient 2.5 kcal/m$\cdot$h$\cdot$ $^\circ$C
Specific heat 0.28 kcal/kg$\cdot$ $^\circ$C
Unit weight 2350 kg/m$^3$
Heat transfer rate 10 kcal/m$^2$ $\cdot$h$\cdot$ $^\circ$C
Adiabatic temperature raise
(heating material)
$T=K\cdot(1-e^{-\alpha\cdot t})$
$K$=40$^\circ$C, $\alpha$=0.2, $t$:hour
Model 1m Square area
441 nodes, 400 elements
Fig.5 Mesh
Cleared matter by model analysis
  • In the case of rough element division, higher temperature will be obtained. (from comparison of Fig.4 and Fig.7)
  • In the case of rough time increment, higher temperature will be obtained. (from Fig.7)
  • In given temperature boundary model, the oscillating phenomenon of solution happens at the nodes near given temperature boundaries under the condition of fine element division and rough time increment. In this model, if fine element division is adopted to the model, it is necessary to adopt fine time increment in order to avoid the oscillating phenomenon of solution.(from Fig.3 and Fig.6)
  • In heat transfer boundary model, the oscillating phenomenon of the solution resulting from the element division or time increment does not happen. (from Fig.4 and Fig.7)

Given temperature boundary model

Time history analysis of temperature was carried out under following conditions.

Conditions for Analysis
Initial temperature of domain 20$^\circ$C (for all area)
Temperature of top side 40$^\circ$C (temperature change happens momentarily)
Temperature of bottom side 0$^\circ$C (temperature change happens momentarily)
Left side and right side of domain thermal insulation condition
heat generation of element not considered
'delta' in the figure means time increment.
Fig.6 Time history of temperature on given temperature boundary model
(Initial temperature: 10$^\circ$C, Top side: 40$^\circ$C, Bottom side: 0$^\circ$C)

Heat transfer boundary model

Conditions of analysis and time history of temperature

Time history analysis of temperature was carried out under following conditions.

Conditions for Analysis
Initial temperature of domain 20$^\circ$C (for all area)
Outside Temperature of domain 10$^\circ$C
Boundary condition 4 sides have heat transfer boundary for each
heat generation of element considered
'delta' in the figure means time increment.
Fig.7 Time history of temperature of the model with 4 heat transfer sides
(Initial temperature: 20$^\circ$C, Outside temperature: 10$^\circ$C)

3D expression of temperature distribution

png png
png png
png png
png png
Fig.8 Temperature distribution of heat transfer model (unit of 't': hour)

Programs and sample data

Fortran programs

f90_fem_heat.f90Unstedy het conduction analysis
f90_num_heat.f90Optimization of node number
f90_gmt_heat.f90Drawing program

Shell scripts

a_fem_div4.txtShell script for execution of 16 elements model
a_fem_div20.txtShell script for execution of 400 elements model
a_draw_heat_small.txtDrawing of 16 elements model
a_draw_heat_11_div20.txtDrawing of 400 elements model
a_gra_test_div4.txtGMT command for 16 elements model drawing
a_gra_11_div20.txtGMT command for 400 elements model drawing (1)
a_gra_22_div20.txtGMT command for 400 elements model drawing (2)

Sample input data of 16 elements model

inp_test00_div4.csvSample data (adiabatic temperature raise)
inp_test11_div4.csvSample data (heat transfer)
inp_test22_div4_01.csvSample data (given temperature boundary: dt=0.1hr)
inp_test22_div4_10.csvSample data (given temperature boundary: dt=1.0hr)
inp_test22_div4_50.csvSample data (given temperature boundary: dt=5.0hr)
t_test00_div4.csvTemperature data (adiabatic)
t_test11_div4.csvTemperature data (heat transfer)
t_test22_div4.csvTemperature data (given temperature)

Sample input data of 400 elements model

inp_11_div20_01.csvOriginal sample data (heat transfer: dt=0.1hr)
inp_11_div20_01m.csvOptimized sample data (heat transfer: dt=0.1hr)
inp_11_div20_10.csvOriginal sample data (heat transfer: dt=1.0hr)
inp_11_div20_10m.csvOptimized sample data (heat transfer: dt=1.0hr)
inp_11_div20_50.csvOriginal sample data (heat transfer: dt=5.0hr)
inp_11_div20_50m.csvOptimized sample data (heat transfer: dt=5.0hr)
inp_22_div20_01.csvOriginal sample data (given temperature: dt=0.1hr)
inp_22_div20_01m.csvOptimized sample data (given temperature: dt=0.1hr)
inp_22_div20_10.csvOriginal sample data (given temperature: dt=1.0hr)
inp_22_div20_10m.csvOptimized sample data (given temperature: dt=1.0hr)
inp_22_div20_50.csvOriginal sample data (given temperature: dt=5.0hr)
inp_22_div20_50m.csvOptimized sample data (given temperature: dt=5.0hr)
t_11_div20.csvTemperature data (heat transfer)
t_22_div20.csvTemperature data (given temperature)

Expression of the result of heat conduction analysis (f90_gmt_heat.f90)


This is a Fortran program to show FEM mesh and 3D plot of temperature distribution by using GMT.

Some explanations are shown below.

  • This program shows 3D plot of temperature distribution by using the GMT command 'psxyz.'
  • x-coordinate and y-coordinate are plane coordinate of elements, and z-coordinate is the temperature at defined time.
  • Output filename is defined automatically in the program.

Following files must be prepared before execution of the program.

_col_mesh.txtInput file for defining mesh color.Filename is fixed
_inp_base.txtInput file for drawing informationFilename is fixed
fnameW.csv Output file by FEM analysisFilename is changeable

Output file by FEM analysis is a output by the program 'f90_fem_heat' made by webmaster.

Description of Shell script

Shell script (a_draw_heat_11_div20.txt) which carries out the process is shown below. Some files which are read from Fortran program are made in this script.

001   gfortran -o f90_gmt_heat f90_gmt_heat.f90
003   # definition of mesh colour (1:MATEL)
004   echo 255,255,255 > _col_mesh.txt
006   # definition of basic data
007   # integer::ind,ibc
008   # real(4)::baselength,baseheight
009   # real(4)::bavx,bfvx
010   # real(4)::bavz,bfvz
011   # character::strx*100,stry*100
012   cat << EOT > _inp_base.txt
013   0 0
014   10.0 5.0
015   0.1 0.1
016   10 5
017   "x-distance (m)"
018   "y-distance (m)"
019   EOT
021   ./f90_gmt_heat out_11_div20_10m.csv
022   mv -f _fig_gmt_mesh.eps fig_gmt_mesh_div20.eps
023   for f in _fig_gmt_xyz_??.eps
024   do
025       mv -f $f ${f/_/}
026   done
028   rm _*

To compile the program of 'f90_gmt_heat.f90'


To make the file '_col_mesh.txt.' Mesh colors are defined by this file, 3 figures means 'R G B' in this file. In this example, new file is made using command 'echo' in this batch file, and since 1 material is used (parameter MATEL=1), 1 kind of color is defined.


To make the file '_inp_base.txt.' This file defines the parameters for GMT.

indDraw node number and element number in FEM mesh. (0: no, 1: yes)
ibcDraw boundary conditions in FEM mesh. (0: no, 1: yes)
baselengthSize of x and y-axis in unit of 'cm'
baseheightSize of z-axis in unit of 'cm'
bavxValue of 'a' in '-B' option for x and y-axis on GMT
bfvxValue of 'f' in '-B' option for x and y-axis on GMT
bavzValue of 'a' in '-B' option for z-axis on GMT
bfvzValue of 'f' in '-B' option for z-axis on GMT
strxLabel for x-axis. Double prime (") is required because of character
stryLabel for y-axis. Double prime (") is required because of character

Note) label for z-axis is fixed character 'Temperature.'


To execute the program 'f90_gmt_heat.' Functions of this execution file are to make GMT commands, to execute them and to make eps drawings.

Input file 'out_11_div20_10m.csv' which storages the result of FEM analysis is read from command line.

Output drawings are shown below.

_fig_gmt_mesh.epsFEM mesh drawing in eps formatOutput filename is fixed.
_fig_gmt_xyz_xx.eps3D temperature distribution drawing in eps formatOutput filename is fixed. 'xx' means time history.

Symbols for boundary conditions in FEM mesh drawing
Boundary of given temperature
Boundary of heat transfer side

Rename of output eps files.


To delete work files

inserted by FC2 system