WANtaroHP (f90: Curve Fitting by Simplex methox)

Outline of this program

  • This is a program for curve fitting by Simplex method.
  • Although you need to change the equation (function) for curve fitting on source code one by one, this is a very powerful tool. Because a possibility of wrong fitting is low if proper initial values are given.
  • When you have no idea about initial values, you can set all initial values to 1.0.
  • In addition, in order to confirm a fitting result immediately, the drawing routine by gnuplot is added in this program. So, it is required for a data input file to be included some information for drawing.
  • In this example, following functions are used.
Sample (1)
!Lorentz type+linear curve (mpara=5)   input file: inp_simp_0.csv
Sample (2)
!Damped oscillation (mpara=4)   input file: inp_simp_1.csv

Format of input data file

 001 | Simplex_test_1
 002 | time_(sec),Displacement_(mm)
 003 | N,0,800,100,"%.0f"
 004 | N,-10,10,2,"%.0f"
 005 | 800
 006 | 0.000,2.543
 007 | 1.000,3.402
 008 | 2.000,2.978
x-axis label, y-axis label
Type of x-axis (N: normal, L: log), x-min.value, x-max.value, x-increment, x-format (style of x-axis)
Type of y-axis (N: normal, L: log), y-min.value, y-max.value, y-increment, y-format (style of y-axis)
Number of input data sets
(Lower rows are x and y-values of data)

Batch command for execution

For execution of this program 'f90_simplex', (1) input filename, (2) output filename, (3) image output filename for gnuplot and (4) initial values of unknown parameters for Simplex method must be inputted from command line.

gfortran -o f90_simplex f90_simplex.f90
./f90_simplex inp_simp_0.txt out_simp_0.txt fig_simp_0.png 1 1 1 1 1

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