WANtaroHP (f90: Run-off Analysis)

Equations for analysis

Storage Function Method is framed by following equations.

Basic equations

\begin{align} &\cfrac{dS}{dt}=r_e(t-T_L)-q_c(t) & \text{Equation of continuity}\\ &S(t)=k\cdot \{q_c(t)\}^p & \text{Relationship between Storage and Direct run-off}\\ &r_e(t)=f\cdot R(t) & \text{Effective rainfall} \end{align}
$S(t)$ : Storage (mm/hr)      $k$ : Constant for storage function
$r_e(t)$ : Effective rainfall (mm/hr)      $p$ : Constant for storage function
$T_L$ : Delay time (hr)      $f$ : Rate of flow (constant)
$q_c(t)$ : Direct run-off (mm/hr)      $R(t)$ : Observed rainfall (mm/hr)

Equations for Direct run-off

\begin{align} &q_c(t)=q(t)-q_B(t) & \text{Direct run-off}\\ &q(t)=\cfrac{3.6\cdot Q(t)}{A} & \text{Total run-off}\\ &q_B(t)=q_1+(i-n_1)\cfrac{q_2-q_1}{n_2-n_1} & \text{Base run-off} \end{align}
$q_c(t)$ : Direct run-off(mm/hr)      $Q(t)$ : Observed discharge (m$^3$/s)
$q_B(t)$ : Base run-off(mm/hr)      $A$ : Catchment area (km$^2$)
$q(t)$ : Total run-off(mm/hr)
$n_1$ : Start point of direct run-off      $q_1$ : Run-off at start point of direct run-off
$n_2$ : End point of direct run-off      $q_2$ : Run-off at end point of direct run-off
$i$ : Integer from $n_1$ until $n_2$

Equation for the rate of flow

\begin{equation} f=\cfrac{\sum q_c}{\sum R_T} \end{equation}
$f$ : Rate of flow      $q_c$ : Direct run-off (mm/hr)      $R_T$ : Observed rainfall (mm/hr)

where, observed rainfall means that it is shifted one for same times as the times counted direct run-off.

Estimation of parameters and reproduction of Hydrograph

Equation of continuity is approximated into following finite difference approximation.

\begin{equation} \cfrac{dS}{dt}=r_e(t-T_L)-q_c(t) \quad\Rightarrow\quad S(t+\Delta t)=S(t)+\Delta t\cdot r_e(t+\Delta t -T_L)-\cfrac{\Delta t}{2}\left\{q_c(t+\Delta t)+q_c(t)\right\} \end{equation}

In above, since $q_c(t)$ and $r_e(t)$ are known for whole times, the values of $S(t)$ can be obtained successively by setting the initial value of $S(0)=0$ at $t=0$.

About delay time $T_L$, the proper value of it can be obtained by trial changing the value of $L_T$ from zero.

There is following relationship between storage $S$ and direct run-off $q_c$.

\begin{equation} S=k\cdot \{q_c\}^p \quad\Rightarrow\quad \ln S=\ln k+p\cdot \ln q_c \end{equation} <>pPractically, by comparison with the relations between the storage $S$ and direct run-off $q_c$ on log-log graph while changing $T_L$, the value of $T_L$ can be established when an agreement degree of the behavior is the highest during flow increase time and flow decrease time.

The value of $k$ and $p$ can be obtained by a regression analysis on log-log graph using established $T_L$.

After obtaining the constant values of $k$, $p$ and $T_L$, the time history of $q_c$ can be obtained by the numerical integration of following differential equation using such as Runge-Kutta mathod.

\begin{equation} \cfrac{dq_c}{dt}=\cfrac{1}{k\cdot p}\cdot(r_e-q_c)\cdot q_c{}^{1-p} \end{equation}

Where, the time history of $q_c$ in above equation is not related the values which were used for obtaining storage $S$. At this time, the values of $r_e$, $p$ and $k$ are known and the time history of $q_c$ is unknown. Therefore, it is necessary to set the small initial value of $q_c$ at the equivalent time of starting point of separation $n_1$. After this, the time history of $q_c$ can be calculated successively using numerical integration.

If the time history of $q_c$ can be known, Hydrograph can be re-producted using following equation.

\begin{equation} Q=\cfrac{1}{3.6}\cdot A \cdot (q_c+q_B) \end{equation}

Where, please take care of units. The unit of discharge $Q$ is 'm$^3$/s', the unit for direct run-off $q_c$ and base run-off $q_B$ is 'mm/hr', the unit of catchment area is 'km$^2$'.

Examples of analysis

Trial calculation for following cases were done.

  • Case 1 : Mukawa-river (09/Aug/1992)
    (Source: 若手水文学研究会:現場のための水文学(1) -- 流出解析 その1 -- in Japanese character)
  • Case 2 : Sample data from textbook
    (Source: 椎葉充晴・立川康人・市川温,例題で学ぶ水文学,森北出版株式会社,20120年5月21日in Japanese character)
  • Case 3 : Tyuuruigawa-river (05/Aug/1975)
    (Source: 北海道開発局土木試験所河川研究室:実用的な洪水流出計算法,昭和62年3月in Japanese character)
  • Case 4 : Otoshibegawa-river (29/Jun/1960)
    (Source: 実用的な洪水流出計算法 (洪水データ集) in Japanese character)
  • Case 5 : Otoshibegawa-river (03/Apr/1961)
    (Source: 実用的な洪水流出計算法 (洪水データ集) in Japanese character)
  • Case 6 : Furumaigawa-river (28/Jun/1966)
    (Source: 実用的な洪水流出計算法 (洪水データ集) in Japanese character)

After this, the relationship between direct run-off and storage, and re-producted Hydrograph using analized parameters are shown for each case.

Case 1: Mukawa-river (09/August/1992)

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TL=0TL=3.6hr (adopted)
qc-S relationship
nd n1 n2 Delay time f p k
72 3 72 3.6 0.736 0.763 14.364
Hydrograph for Case 1

Case 2: Example from textbook

png png
TL=0TL=3.4hr (adopted)
qc-S relationship
nd n1 n2 Delay time f p k
24 3 23 3.4 0.476 1.000 2.868
Hydrograph for Case 2

Case 3: Tyuuruigawa-river (05/August/1975)

png png
TL=0TL=0.9hr (adopted)
qc-S relationship
nd n1 n2 Delay time f p k
36 4 36 0.9 0.231 0.743 6.150
Hydrograph for Case 3

Case 4: Otoshibegawa-river (29/June/1960)

png png
TL=0TL=0.5hr (adopted)
qc-S relationship
nd n1 n2 Delay time f p k
29 2 28 0.5 1.405 1.000 3.218
Hydrograph for Case 4

Case 5: Otoshibegawa-river (03/April/1961)

png png
TL=0TL=1.0hr (adopted)
qc-S relationship
nd n1 n2 Delay time f p k
30 2 24 1.0 1.205 0.783 6.329
Hydrograph for Case 5

Case 6: Furumaigawa-river (28/June/1966)

png png
TL=0TL=3.9hr (adopted)
qc-S relationship
nd n1 n2 Delay time f p k
72 8 72 3.9 0.410 0.656 9.598
Hydrograph for Case 6


  • http://www.scj.go.jp/ja/member/iinkai/bunya/doboku/takamizu/pdf/haifusiryou04-1.pdf
    (角屋睦,永井昭博:流出解析法 (その10) -- 4.貯留法-貯留関数法による洪水流出解析 --,農業土木学会誌第48巻第10号,pp43-50,1980年10月 in Japanese character)
  • http://kankyou.ceri.go.jp/genba/suimon.html
    (若手水文学研究会:現場のための水文学(1) -- 流出解析 その1 -- in Japanese character)
  • ISBN 978-4-627-49631-6 published 05.2010 (textbook)
    (椎葉充晴・立川康人・市川温,例題で学ぶ水文学,森北出版株式会社,2010年5月21日 in Japanese character)
  • http://river.ceri.go.jp/contents/tool/kouzui.html
    (北海道開発局土木試験所河川研究室:実用的な洪水流出計算法,昭和62年3月 in Japanese character)
  • http://river.ceri.go.jp/contents/tool/kouzui.html
    (実用的な洪水流出計算法 (洪水データ集) in Japanese character)

Program lists

a_f90.txtShell script for execution
f90_sfm.f90Run-off parameter estimation by Storage Function Method
a_gmt_ctl_sfm.txtGMT command for Hydrograph (control)
a_gmt_plt_sfm.txtGMT command for Hydrigraph (drawing)
a_gmt_ctl_qcss.txtGMT command for qc-S relationship (control)
a_gmt_plt_qcss.txtGMT command for qc-S relationship (drawing)
dat_sfm1.csvInput data sample (1)
dat_sfm2.csvInput data sample (2)
dat_sfm3.csvInput data sample (3)
dat_sfm4.csvInput data sample (4)
dat_sfm5.csvInput data sample (5)
dat_sfm6.csvInput data sample (6)


The command for execution of Fortran program is shown below:

./f90_sfm  fnameR  fnameW  n1  m  md
fnameRInput file name
fnameWOutput file name
n1 Starting point of separation of base run-off
m Run-off separation method (0: horizontal separation [constant value], 1: sloped line separation)
md Number of devision of time increment (integer which shall be greater than or equal to one)
  • Start point of direct run-off $n_1$ is inputted as a command line argument.
  • About the treatment of the end point of direct run-off $n_2$, is inputted as a command line argument.
    • In case of $m=0$, the value of base run-off $q_B$ is constant and the value of it is equal to the value at the start point of direct run-off.
    • In case of $m=1$, the value of base run-off $q_B$ is variable from the value at $n_1$ to the value at $n_2$. The end point of direct run-off $n_2$ is estimated automatically.
    • The condition of estimation of $n_2$ is the minimum difference between obsedved from and re-producted flow in Hydrograph.
    • In practical calculation, $n_2$ is changed from large value to small value.
    • Since the value of direct run-off $q_c$ shall be greater than or equal to zero, the values of direct run-off $q_c$ are amended to zero if they are less than zero.
  • The estimation method of delay time is shown below.
    • Although it is known that the relationship between direct run-off $q_c$ and storage $S$ becomes like a loop shape, the parameters of $p$ and $k$ can be calculated using a regression analysis on log-log graph.
    • By shifting the time for effective rainfall, the delay time $T_L$ can be obtained when the residual error between observed data and estimated data by regression analysis becomes minimum value.
    • For the regression analysis to calculate the constants $p$ and $k$, special method is adopted to consider the loop shape of $q_c$-$S$ relationship. The data selection method is shown below:
      • Divide the area in horizontal axis $q_c$ to some small areas.
      • Chose the maximum and minimum values of $S$ from each area.
      • Do the regression analysis using the total datasets which are selected from each small area.
    • The upper limit of value of $p$ is set as 1.0. If the value of $p$ exceed 1.0 is obtained by calculation, $p$ is set by 1.0 and $k$ is re-calculated under the condition of $p=1.0$.
  • The number of devision of time increment for numerical integration cam be changeable. It is inputted as a number of $md$ of a command line argument. Discharge data is interpolated by Spline interpolation, and rainfall data is set as same value during one hour because the unit of rainfall is 'mm/h'.
  • After obtaining the values of $T_L$, $k$ and $p$, Runge-Kutta method is used as a numerical integration method in order to re-product Hydrograph.

Hydrograph for given parameters


a_f90.txtShell script for execution
f90_sfmq.f90Calculation of flood discharge
a_gmt_ctl_sfmQ.txtGMT command for Hydrograph (control)
a_gmt_plt_sfmQ.txtGMT command for Hydrograph (drawing)
dat_sfm1Q.csvInput data sample (1)
dat_sfm2Q.csvInput data sample (2)
dat_sfm3Q.csvInput data sample (3)
dat_sfm4Q.csvInput data sample (4)
dat_sfm5Q.csvInput data sample (5)
dat_sfm6Q.csvInput data sample (6)


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