set inpl="_inp_legend.txt" echo 11 $ 11 $ tr $ 0.5 $ 0.5 > %inpl% echo 10 $ 0.5 $ 4 >> %inpl% echo Invert of spillway $ 3,black $ --- $ --- $ --- >> %inpl% echo Calculated water surface $ 3,blue $ --- $ --- $ --- >> %inpl% echo Critical depth $ 3,red $ --- $ --- $ --- >> %inpl% gawk -f \WANtaroHP_plot\gmt_basic\awk_klegend.awk %inpl% > legend.bat rem ******************************************** rem Setting of filename rem ******************************************** set fig=fig_steep.eps set inp=out.txt rem ******************************************** rem Drawing by GMT rem ******************************************** gmtset ANOT_FONT_SIZE 12 gmtset LABEL_FONT_SIZE 12 gmtset TICK_LENGTH 0c set range=0/110/590/700 set scale=11/11 set xlabel="Distance (m)" set ylabel="Elevation (m)" set xga=g10a10 set yga=g10a10 psbasemap -R%range% -JX%scale% -B%xga%:%xlabel%:/%yga%:%ylabel%:WSen -P -K > %fig% gawk "{if(2<=NR)print $1,$2}" %inp% | psxy -R -J -W3,black -K -O >> %fig% gawk "{if(2<=NR)print $1+$4*sin($3/180*pi),$2+$4*cos($3/180*pi)}" %inp% | psxy -R -J -W3,blue -K -O >> %fig% gawk "{if(2<=NR)print $1+$6*sin($3/180*pi),$2+$6*cos($3/180*pi)}" %inp% | psxy -R -J -W3,red -K -O >> %fig% call legend.bat del _*