python3 > test.csv cat << EOT > gpl.txt set terminal png set output 'fig_test.png' set datafile separator "," set xrange[0:1] set yrange[0:1] set xtics 0.1 set ytics 0.1 set format x '%2.1f' set format y '%2.1f' set grid set xlabel 'Fixity Factor' set ylabel 'Normalized Critical Load' set key left top plot 'test.csv' using 1:6 title 'a' with lines lw 2, \ 'test.csv' using 1:7 title 'b' with lines lw 2, \ 'test.csv' using 1:8 title 'c' with lines lw 2, \ 'test.csv' using 1:9 title 'd' with lines lw 2 EOT gnuplot gpl.txt